South San Gabriel Peak Trail [s]

Segment: JCT at Markham Saddle to JCT Upper San Gabriel Peak Trail

Stats: From JCT at Markham Saddle to JCT Upper San Gabriel Peak Trail: 0.7 miles, 490′ gain, from JCT Upper San Gabriel Trail to Markham Saddle: 0.7 miles,,490′ loss; round trip: 1.4 miles, 490′ gain and loss

Last Hiked2-21-2016


Eaton Saddle to San Gabriel Peak: 3.2 miles, 1071′ gain and loss

San Gabriel Peak Trail to San Gabriel Peak to Eaton Canyon Trailhead: 3.4 miles, 1411′ gain, 1071′ loss

View from JCT at Markham Saddle.  Markham saddle has junctions for four different trails. This junction is the one heading west (there are two heading south and one heading north).

The junction with the San Gabriel Peak Trail is a T intersection.  Up to the east leads to San Gabriel Peak.  Up to the west is a short walk to a paved road at the saddle between San Gabriel Peak and Mt. Disappointment.  The trail to Markham Saddle starts by heading west and down (shown on the left in the picture below).  Note: the trail on the right leads to the saddle between San Gabriel Peak and Mt. Disappointment.

The South San Gabriel Peak Trail then curves south and heads down to Markham Saddle.

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