Muir Peak, Inspiration Peak, and Echo Mountain Lollipop from the Cobb Estate

Trailhead: Cobb Estate Trailhead

Note: The trailhead is not directly connected to the parking area. See the trailhead page for directions.

Cobb Estate Trailhead for Lower Sam Merrill Trail

Stats: 11.2 Miles, 3,140′ of gain and loss

Track Map for Muir Peak and Inspiration Peak Lollipop from the Cobb Estate from February 2018 using Backcountry Navigator (US Forest Service-2013 map) from my phone. NOTE: Muir Peak is mislabelled in the background map.

Last Hiked: 2-26-2018

Section Profile for Muir Peak and Inspiration Peak Lollipop from the Cobb Estate from February 2018 using Backcountry Navigator (US Forest Service-2013 map) from my phone.

Route Description:  Take the Lower Sam Merrill Trail to the JCT near Echo Mountain and continue straight to the White City Ruins at Echo Mountain. Along the way, you will pass the JCT of the Middle Sam Merrill Trail and the JCT of the Castle Canyon Trail.  After visiting the White City Ruins, return to the JCT, and take the Castle Canyon Trail to Inspiration Point. From Inspiration Point take the One Man & Mule Railway Trail to the JCT of the Muir Peak Trail and take that trail to Muir Peak. Return to Inspiration Point and follow the Inspiration Peak Hiker’s Trail along the ridge to Inspiration Peak and down to the Sam Merrill Trail. Note: the Inspiration Peak Trail is a faint trail that is currently (2-26-22018) partially obscured due to the growth of vegetation (not high enough to require bushwacking) and could also be loosely described as cross-country.  Once off the ridge, follow the Middle Sam Merrill Trail back to Echo Mountain and return to the Cobb Estate.

Points of Interest:



View from the Inspiration Peak Hiker’s Trail looking down on Inspiration Point and out to Muir Peak (2-26-2018).