Dawson Saddle to Mt. Baden-Powell, Mt. Burnham, and Throop Peak

Trailhead: Dawson Saddle

Note: There are two trailheads from Dawson Saddle.  They connect a short distance up the mountain and lead to the junction with the Pacific Crest Trail

Boy Scout Trailhead east of Original Trailhead

Old Trailhead (across from building)

Trail: Dawson Saddle Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, Throop Peak Hiker’s Trails to Mt. Baden-Powell, Mt. Burnham, and Throop Peak.

Track map for Dawson Saddle to Mt. Baden-Powell, Mt. Burnham, and Throop Peak from October 2017 using Backcountry Navigator (US Forest Service-2013 map) from my phone.

Stats: 9 miles, 2,680′ of gain and loss.

Last Hiked: 10-15-2017

Trail Segments: From either trailhead take the Dawson Saddle Trail to the junction with the Pacific Crest Trail.  Go left (east) at the junction and take the Pacific Crest Trail around Mt. Burnham to Mt. Baden-Powell. Return the same way but at the saddle with Mt. Burnham, follow the hiker’s trail up to Mt. Burnham and return to the PCT by following the hiker’s trail down the west ridge of Mt. Burnham. Return to the JCT with the Dawson saddle trail and continue following the PCT a short distance to the Throop Peak Trail and take that to the summit. From Throop Peak, follow the hiker’s trail down the ridge to the Dawson Saddle Trail and follow the Dawson Saddle Trail back to the trailhead. If desired, subtract 0.1 miles by following the west ridge back of Mt. Baden-Powell down to the Pacific Crest Trail as shown on the map above.

Trail Photos:
