Devil’s Canyon to Trailcamp

Trailhead: Devil’s Canyon Trailhead

Devil's Canyon Trailhead.

Devil’s Canyon Trailhead.

Trail: Devil’s Canyon Trail to Devil’s Canyon Trail Camp.

Stats: 5.8 miles, 1,350′ of gain and loss.

Track map for Devil's Canyon Trail to the trail camp from February 2017 using Backcountry Navigator (US Forest Service-2013 map) from my phone.

Track map for Devil’s Canyon Trail to the trail camp from February 2017 using Backcountry Navigator (US Forest Service-2013 map) from my phone.

Last Hiked: 2-12-2017

Route Description: From the parking area, cross Angeles Crest Highway to reach the trailhead. Follow the Devil’s Canyon Trail as it winds down the canyon, alternatively passing through well-shaded areas of mixed conifer forest and highly exposed areas of chaparral. Journeying beyond the trail camp is possible. However, due to the Station Fire, the conditions beyond the trail camp make going further significantly more difficult.

Devil's Canyon, February 13, 2017.

Devil’s Canyon, February 13, 2017.