Mt. Lowe Road [s]

Mt. Lowe Road between Lowe Saddle (a junction where 5 trails meet) and Markham saddle (a junction where 4 trails meet) has three trails that connect to the road.  Rather than make 4 separate trail segment pages, I’m combining them here.

Starting from Lowe Saddle, take Trailhead #3 going up toward Mt. Lowe

The road continues up 0.1 miles to the Lower East Mt. Lowe Trailhead

The road then continues up 0.2 miles (0.3 miles from Lowe Saddle) to the Upper Sam Merrill Trailhead

Then the road continues up 1.1 miles (1.4 miles from Lowe Saddle) to the trailhead for the trail leading down to Tom Sloane Saddle.  Elevation gain from Lowe Saddle to this trailhead is 410′.

The road then continues up 1.3 miles to Markham Saddle with a gain of 380′


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